
Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy 11th Month Birthday!!!

Holy Toledo I will have a one year old in a month! Dear lord, when did that happen!!!

Here is what our BUSY little girl is up to these days:

  • I am guessing around 19lbs - 20lbs
  • 29 inches
  • She is a big ham and loves to laugh and giggle all the time! You have the funniest little laugh ever!!
  • Still no more teeth! At this pace you may never get any more teeth! ha!
  • She is wearing a size 3 diaper
  • She is wearing 6 - 9 and 6 - 12 months clothes!
  • She is a running machine!! Crawling is so past tense for you!
  • She learned to say dawg and woof! Its pretty adorable!
  • She is eating a lot more people food, which makes it way easier for mommy and daddy! I do have to say your favorite is toasted cheese sandwiches which we are also eating a lot too!! I hope soon, you expand your horizons or else mommy and daddy may go hungry!
  • Sleeping is AWESOME!!! Please keep it up! You sleep from 10-12 hours a night!
  • She NEVER EVER sits still any more!!!
  • She is a big time babbler.. wonder where she gets that from, wink!
  • She loves to sing!
Pictures are a tad hard these days with little Miss E always being on the run!