
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy Five years to an AMAZING husband and daddy!!!

Well, yesterday, was our official five year anniversary! I can't believe how much times has gone by since the day we said I DO! It's really amazing how much our lives have changed since July 29, 2006. A little reminiscing ... Our wedding was fabulous, it was exactly what we wanted a huge party and everyone had a blast! Then off to Jamaica for 7 days for our relaxing and first married couple vacation! Our first big purchases were a new Volvo (which we still have) and a condo (which we still live in)! Then we had the year of knee surgeries, Alex had his in December and I had mine in July. July 17 to be exact was the day of hell!!! I ended up being out of commission for a year and a half and had a total of 6 surgeries numerous hospital stays, not the best year and a half for the Sala crew! We made it though it now healthy as a horse and Alex was right there with me the whole time! That time in our lives was not easy but we conquered it!! Then January 2010 .... we are having a BABY!!! On October 5, 2010, Ellie Laureen Sala, was born, our pride and joy!!! All in all the first five years of marriage have been AMAZING and I can hardly wait for what will life bring us next!!!

Happy Anniversary babe, Ellie and I are very lucky girls!!!

We spent the day by taking the day off of work and heading down to San Francisco for a little family time! We had a good lunch and then headed back home where our friends took baby sat Miss E while we had our first couple dinner since she has arrived! it was FABULOUS!!!

Our little monster!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Big Purchases ...

The first one is this FABULOUS stroller!!!

Long story short we had a City Mini and Miss Ellie ended up HATING it, I mean would arch her back and protest every.sing.time. we put her in it. I got tired of fight it so I returned the stroller and got this beauty for the same price!!! I got an AMAZING deal! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the color and so far Miss E loves it too!! Thank you Uppa Baby, you saved my life and my arms!

The second fabulous purchase is this fun filled playhouse;

Miss Ellie absolutely loves it! I have never seen such a cute reaction from her when we showed her, her new toy! It sings, counts, talks what more could a girl ask for.

Miss E has been spoiled lately, what a lucky little girl!! Now we are off to a baby shower for Ellie's soon to be new baby girl cousin!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Miss E's First Steps!!!

Miss E took her first steps a few days after she turned 9 months!!! We defiantly have a ham on our hands!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Official Measurements Are In ...

Well, I was a tad off in both directions! I guess Mommy's don't know everything .. SHOCKER, I know! Miss E was 18lbs and 28 inches! The best part of the whole appointment was that she didn't get any shots! Oh, and the doctor told us we have a very active little girl who will be walking anytime! SCARY!!! Her biggest worry for us was to make sure we are baby proofing ASAP!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Picture Time!

Ellie's first Fourth of July!!!

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Happy 9th Month Birthday to my Beautiful Daughter!!!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you , happy birthday to my amazing daughter!!! Your little or should I say BIG personality is in full swing!! You are a very active little girl who has a BIG personality! We LOVE you so much!!!

Here is what our BUSY little girl is up to these days:

  • I am guessing around 18.5lbs - 19lbs ( we will find out tomorrow for sure at your doctors appointment)
  • 28.5 inches
  • She is a big ham and loves to laugh and giggle all the time!
  • We went from no teeth to like 4 teeth in about a week!
  • She is wearing a size 3 diaper
  • She is wearing 6 - 9 and 6 - 12 months clothes!
  • She has mastered pulling up on everything and letting go!
  • She basically runs with her Radio Flyer these days!
  • She is eating all sorts of things but her attention span is short lived so we have to eat fast or it wont be done!
  • Sleeping is AWESOME!!! Please keep it up! You sleep from 10-12 hours a night!
  • She NEVER EVER sits still any more!!!
  • She is a big time babbler.. wonder where she gets that from, wink!
  • She loves, loves, loves to clap! In between everything she does she stops and claps for herself! Funny girl!
Go baby go!!
Love this face!
See mommy and daddy I can stand all by myself!


Practicing my ballerina arms!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday America!!!

Here is to another fabulous year!!!

We had such an amazing 4th of July weekend! My mom came into town and we got to spend much needed mother, daughter, and grand baby time together! We got Ellie's 9 months pictures done ... which is tomorrow and I can hardly believe it! We shopped, tried to stay cool, saw my brother twice, and visited the hubby's family a couple times too! All in all it was a very busy and fun filled weekend! I am so thankful for all the amazing people we have in our life! They are all truly inspiring and amazing in all their unique ways!

Thank you America and the men and women who got us here so that we are able to share such amazing moments together!!