
Thursday, March 31, 2011


I made it through my first day at work. It was tough leaving this morning but I did not shed a tear. Miss E was still sleeping at 8am so I didn't wake her to kiss that cute face good bye! I really wanted too but that would have been so MEAN. My aunt who is watching her said she was very confused all morning and kept looking around .... heart melting! But she did very well and was her normal happy bouncy self by the afternoon! I did miss being at home! I was a career girl before but I could totally stay at home and be content! You always want what you can't have! Boo hoo!!! Oh well, on to my first day ... very busy busy I only had time to call twice in between getting back in the groove of things, pumping at work, and all my meetings. I didn't even get to eat lunch till like 2:30 pm. I have to get better at that as I do not want my supply to dip! The good thing is that the pumping rooms are super nice at work, that was very exciting. Also, all the mommies put up pictures of the babies, so I must remember to bring a picture of Miss E! All in all, I can't complain and tomorrow is a team building day so that will be FUN! I might even get to leave early which would TOTALLY make my day!! The one thing I did learn is after you get home from work the real chaos begins ... making dinner (which I am no good at but slowly improving), playing with elle, kissing her like I am a crazing woman, bed time routine, oh and finally making time for Alex and myself to hang out!!! Simply exhausting!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Photo Catch up!

Here are a few pictures of Miss E! ENJOY!!

Just because we CAN! Love all the hair!

Helping mommy clean out her closet. I am so helpful!
Miss e is taking after mommy!! LOVE IT ... Future gymnast!!
Just fror GG!!! Go Beavers!!!

This is how Daddy dresses me ... don't you think coral, pink and argyle goes together ! Of course, what was mommy thinking!
When Daddy babysits we always have a new adventure! Way to go Daddy I love the playpen with soft pillows, GENIUS in my mind!
Why would we sit back in the bouncer ... no we want to sit up at all costs!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Potty Training!

Ok, I maybe crazy but I am going to try and start potty training miss elle! She has had the diaper rash from HELL since she was 2 months old and it just won't go away! We have tried EVERYTHING, and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING! I have seen 4 different pedi's and have tried all their secrets and nothing has worked. Poor little girl! ;( So I did my research and decided to buy this potty for miss e!

Totally cute right! Its pink, what more could a little girl ask for! Plus, the reviews sold it to me. Easy for babies to sit on because it has a back and easy to clean! Perks for everyone!

Wish me LUCK!!


Man oh man what a busy day! My aunt and uncle came to town because this weekend is Miss E's baptism! Also, my aunt will be watching her for the next two months. We are so lucky to have family help, it is the BEST! But that means I had to make room in our two bedroom condo that is already filled to the brim! Its pretty crazy how much stuff one little baby needs. Well ... she might not need it all but she HAS it so we have to make room. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning and organizing is what I did late last night! While organizing our condo I also decided to clean out my closet ... why just do one big task at a time. No not me, that would be plain silly. So while cleaning out my closet I noticed I needed more work tops. Bright and early this morning Miss E and myself headed to the mall, one more task on my plate. Which I found NOTHING! Great!
Basically, I was running around all day to come back and have guests. Stressful! But so excited for everyone to come to town.

Here is the schedule for this week:
  • Tuesday and Wednesday will consist of last minute errands and teaching my aunt what Miss E likes and prefers to do during the day.
  • Thursday is my first day of work. STRESSFUL!!! I have never left Miss E more then 3 hours and that was with Alex so even more STRESSFUL! After 7 months off this is just so daunting! I know I may be a little dramatic but for now this is how I feel. I am sure it will be fine once we get in the groove of things but for now I am stressed! Oh, and my Mom flies in on Thursday night! I can't wait to see her, I miss her so much!
  • Friday my mom and aunt will watch Ellie, what a lucky little girl!
  • Saturday is my cousin's daughters 1 st Birthday! Happy Birthday little one!! Plus, I have to drop off the favors at the restaurant and make sure everything will run as smooth as possible! Wish me luck on that one as we have 105 guests! Yes, 105 guests and no it is not a wedding just a baptism for an almost 6 month baby! Oh, my brother and dad will come to town! Oh, how I miss them too!!
  • Sunday = Baptism. All I have to say is WISH ME LUCK! My fingers are crossed that the baptism will go smoothly and Miss E will be a trooper! Lots of family means lots of, "I want to hold the sweet little baby."
  • Monday, starts my first FULL week of work! I am exhausted just typing about this, oh boy!

Please pray for me this week!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bouncy Chairs = MASSIVE BLOW OUTS!

Seriously, every time I put miss elle in her bouncy chair she has a MASSIVE EXPLOSION! Really, child every time! I have washed it so many times I think the designs are going to wash off. Not really, but I have washed it a million times and it always makes its appreance in the laundry basket.

9 more days till d-day! :( I am going to miss our daily photoshoots, mall trips, and rolling on the floor for hours!

XOXO, Kami

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Enjoy some Green Beer!! Love Ellie!!

XOXO, Kami

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Napping ... that is only for babies and I am not a baby anymore at 5.5 months old!!

14 more days of freedom and then back to the grind of a 9-6 job plus being a full time mommy! SCARY!!

Miss elle has decided that she hates to nap during the day and by hates I mean HATES!!! Why would anyone nap ... that is not needed but by 4-5 o'clock she is in melt down mode! Today, that was at the grocery store which I am not scared to say but the grocery store wants to make me cry too but I keep it in unlike ellie! Luckily, I was just about done when she decided to have her melt down and came home and jumped in her jumperoo and was instantly happy! She absolutely LOVES that toy! Which makes me love that toy too!

I was at the grocery store today because tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day .. yippee, LOVE the green holiday so I can attempt my first Green feast! I got the recipe from one of my new favorite blogs ... she is simply amazing! Check it out: Wish me luck it turns out good! This will be my second recipe from her website and the first one turned out so yummy!! Alex even had seconds which is unheard of with my cooking!

XOXO, Kami

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh Man!!

The day is nearing closer and closer and now I am in the official count down mode! Which I think it is making my heart break even more! :( I just can't believe my 7 months is almost up and my baby girl is almost 6 months old! TEAR!!!

I was always the career girl and loved to work! I loved having the sense of freedom as I owned my career! Now that miss elle has made her appearance into the world I would rather stay at home! I am so shocked by this but it is the truth! I would rather have fewer new clothes, shoes, hand bags, and whatever else just to be able to stay at home with this amazing little girl! She is just so spunky, funny, and is a complete spaz which I am absolutely in LOVE with!

The question of the day is .... how drastic would you cut things out of your life to be able to stay at home?

This is my big dilemma at this point! Alex is very supportive of me staying at home if I really want to! He is AWESOME! Where we live in the Bay Area it is hard to live off one income but he is willing to make sacrifices so I can stay at home with our little girl! I am just not sure I want to put our family in this situation! We could defiantly do it for a while but not for forever and I am not sure if that stress would eat me alive! I am pretty conservative! Ohh, being an adult is so not fun sometimes! :(

XOXO, Kami

Monday, March 7, 2011

Miss Elle is 5 Months!

a few days late .... but what is new!

I cannot believe my baby girl is 5 months, she is almost half a year old! TEAR!!! Miss elle is doing so many new things every time I look around. People alway tell you to cherish the moments because they go fast ... no kidding my little baby is already getting so big! We do not have a good well check up till 6 months so my mommy intuitions are telling me the following:

  • a solid 15lbs!
  • 26 inches long!
  • she is a rolling machine in both directions!
  • she talk and laughs all the time, its quite precious!
  • she is in LOVE with her jumperoo!
  • she doesn't like to nap during the day but sleeps between 6 - 10 hours then eats and is back down for another 2-4 hours so I am not complaining!
  • if we prop her up she can sit for a few minutes by herself!
  • she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth!
Here are our results of the 5 month photo shoot!

Silly Daddy!

XOXO, Kami

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just a few more pictures!

Happy late Valentine's Day!!!

Thanks, daddy! I love my new teddy bear!

Hanging out with Uncle KJ on his birthday weekend!

Miss elle is already picking out her own super bowl squares! Should I be worried?!
Meeting Great Grandma Glennon for the first time!
XOXO, Kami

Ellie is 4 Months ...

well almost 5 months now, a tad late! Oppsie!

she loves, loves, loves her feet!

Miss elle is growing so fast! Her 4 month stats were: 26 inches long and 14lbs and 15 ounces. She has mastered rolling in all directions. As soon as we put her down she is across the room in about 3 seconds! The doctor has warned us that we have a very active child and she will probably be an early mover! YIKERS!!! I wonder where she got that from ... mommy and daddy perhaps! :)

XOXO, Kami

It's been a while ....

But we have been very very busy! After our trip to Portland we turned right around a couple days later and headed off to Cancun which was AMAZING!!! Alex has worked so hard this year that he made it to President's Club for his Company. All his hard work defiantly paid off!! To top it off one of our best couple friends came with us too! We couldn't have asked for a better mini vacation. We took about a billion pictures but here are a few of my favorite!

Since we have been traveling pretty much all of February we came back to a baby melt down that lasted several days! :( Obviously, our baby likes her schedule! She has been in DISASTER mode which means screaming for 30 minutes straight every couple hours plus she had a really bad runny nose! I took miss elle to the doctor just to make sure it wasn't an ear infection and we are so thankful it wasn't. The doctor said she is having a temper tantrum from all the changing schedules! REALLY, a temper tantrum at 4 months! Go figure!! Our pediatrician said give it a few days .... we did and we are all back to normal! Plus, she slept 10 hours straight last night!! My fingers are crossed for this pattern to continue!! Especially, because Alex is off traveling again for work! This week he is in Austin, Texas, enjoying the 75 degree weather. I do have to admit I am a little jealous!!

XOXO, Kami